Monthly Archives: September 2014
Warnings from Our Lady
Satanic Temple Distributes Coloring Activity Books In Florida Schools
The provided activity books flooding the Orange County Schools include that of the pamphlet entitled, The Satanic Children’s Big Book of Activities, which features activities based around the exploits of the cartoon character “Damian.”
A word scramble activity directions reads, “These bullies are mad and afraid of things they don’t understand. Help Damian use inclusive language to defuse the situation.” Another connect-the-dots description reads: “Damian is showing his class the way to make an inverted pentagram. Connect the dots to make one yourself.”
A drawing exercise asks, “What’s Cerberus dreaming about?” with a thought balloon drawn above the mythological hellhound.
The word search and word jumble ask the participant to find words such as “friendship, compassion, acceptance, empathy, reason and freedom.”
Read more here.
What’s hidden in the Vatican Secret Archives?
By Michael O’Loughlin
National reporter September 1, 2014
Some believe it houses evidence of extraterrestrial life. Others, ancient texts that disprove the existence of Jesus. Perhaps dark truths that would discredit and destroy the Church?
A mistranslated Latin word may be responsible for the conspiracy theories about the Vatican Secret Archives. In fact, the actual contents can stand on their own without delving into the absurd.
The archives, or Archivum Secretum Apostolicum Vaticanum, contains historical records chronicling intriguing historical events. Its contents, once plundered by Napoleon and moved to Paris, span 12 centuries.
There’s the document that began the Protestant reformations: Pope Leo X’s 1521 decree excommunicating Martin Luther.
A 1530 petition from 85 English clergymen and lords asks Pope Clement VII to annul King Henry VIII’s marriage to Catherine of Aragon. The seals of many of the signatories were affixed to the petition, each held in place by red ribbon. This is considered the source of the term “red tape.” Clement refused, of course, leading to the establishment of the Anglican Church.
Michelangelo penned a letter to the pope warning that Vatican guards hadn’t received paychecks in three months, and that they were threatening to walk off the job.
A year after Columbus landed in what became North America, Pope Alexander VI issued Inter Cetera, the 1493 papal bull that split the New World between Spain and Portugal.
There are letters from Abraham Lincoln as well as Jefferson Davis, who wrote to try to convince Pope Pius IX that the South was an innocent victim of Northern aggression. Neither man was Catholic.
The doctrine of the Immaculate Conception, the notion that Mary was conceived without original sin, was articulated in 1854 on a piece of parchment that’s in the archives.
Famous Vatican trials were recorded with handwritten transcripts that are housed there, including cases against the Knights Templar in the early 14th century and astronomer Galileo Galilei in the 17th, who was tried by the Vatican for heresy and forced to spend the rest of his life under house arrest.
When Sweden’s Queen Christina abdicated in 1654, she converted to Catholicism from Lutheranism, moved to Rome, and today she is one of the few women buried in St. Peter’s Basilica. There’s a letter to the pope announcing her conversion.
Interesting, sure, but hardly the stuff of Dan Brown novels.
See photos of items in the Vatican’s archives here.
Secretum, the Vatican says, translates more accurately to “personal” than to “secret” and refers to the private letters and historical records of past popes. In fact, the archives haven’t been secret since 1881, when Pope Leo XIII opened them up to scholars.
Satanists Sell Out Controversial Oklahoma ‘Black Mass’ Event, Will Stage Exorcism Despite Christian Protests
The Satanist group that will stage a controversial “black mass” at an Oklahoma City civic center has said that all 88 tickets for its Sept. 21 event are sold out. The co-founder of the group revealed that the ritual will go ahead despite strong Christian protests and will feature a satanic exorcism, but will be “toned down” to comply with state health laws.
“One of the dictates of the church is not only to educate the members but to educate the public, and to debunk the Hollywood-projected image of our beliefs,” Dakhma of Angra Mainyu’s Adam Daniels told ABC News.
Satanic Group Planning ‘Black Mass’ in Oklahoma City Returns Stolen Host to Catholic Church
Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin Blasts Upcoming Satanic Black Mass as ‘Disgusting Mockery of Catholic Faith’
Over 37,000 Sign Petition Against ‘Obscene, Indecent and Hateful’ Satanic Black Mass Planned in Oklahoma City
He added that the group will comply with state health laws and substitute vinegar for actions involving urine as part of the satanic ceremony.
Daniels said that the ceremony will also feature Dakhma of Angra Mainyu deacons and priest who will stomp, spit on and use explicit language on an unconsecrated host, a wafer presented as a form of the resurrected Jesus Christ.
A satanic exorcism intended to draw the Holy Spirit from a follower’s body will wrap up the event, an inversion of Roman Catholic exorcism believed to expel the devil from a person.
“Our practices have gotten it to about 22 to 25 minutes,” the co-founder said of the length of the ritual.