(Rome) An exorcist is at the forefront in the fight against the devil. One of them is Father Francesco Bamonte. He is an exorcist of the diocese of the Pope. “A typical behavior of the devil during the exorcism is to often talk about destruction and annihilation. All that is beautiful, good, healthy, pure, harmonious is mocked and threatened with extinction and destruction,” says the exorcist. Particularly striking was the hatred of the devil against the sacrament of marriage, family ties and affection. “He reacts very violently when one blesses the marriage of two married people or if they are invited to renew their wedding vows,” says Father Bamonte.
Francesco Bamonte belongs to the young Order of the Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary at (ICMS) founded in 1991. The Cordis Mariae immaculati Servi are an Order of diocesan right. Born in 1960, Father Bamote was ordained a priest in 1990. Since 2012 he has been Chairman of the Italian Association of Exorcists .
Immediately after his ordination to the Order, he turned to especially the Sacrament of Penance and in this regard to help the victims of occult practices. In 1997 he became a member of the International Association of Exorcists. Since 2005 he is a lecturer at the Regina Apostolorum Pontifical University in Rome, where he directs the course on Exorcism and Deliverance Prayer. At the request of the bishops of various Italian and foreign dioceses, he instructs seminarians on the subject of occultism and exorcism and their consequent pastoral issues. He also supports priests who are appointed as exorcists in their diocese by the bishop.
Father Bamontes Books: How to Recognize the Father of Lies
In 2000 he published the first book about his experiences as an exorcist: “What to do with Wizards? How to Free Yourself of the Superstition and Protect Against Fraud ” (Cosa fare con questi maghi?); followed in 2004 by the book “Harmful Spiritualism. The Occult Work of the Evil in the Alleged Contacts with the Hereafter ” (I danni dello spiritismo), and in 2006 the volume: “Demonic Possession and Exorcism. How to Recognize the Cunning Deceiver “; in 2008: “The Fallen Angels. The Mystery of Evil in the Experience of an Exorcist .” His most recent book was published in 2010 under the title: “The Virgin Mary and the Devil in Exorcism.”
At the annual meeting in 2013, the Italian exorcist Father Bamonte gave a remarkable speech. He said: “A repeating in feature in exorcisms is the insistent demand of the demon, that men ought to worship him as if he were God. The demon who will not accept his creatureness, dangles himself pretending to be God, and he is greedily keen that people offer to him a cult which belongs to God alone. During the exorcism, he often says, ‘Pray to me, pray to me, I am God, I am God! Kneel down, when my name is called. I am all-powerful! Call me! ‘ On these statements I reply, with No. 20 of the Roman Ritual (titulus XII “De exorcizandis obsessis a doemonio”) which recommends the words of Jesus in the desert and the words of the Apostle Paul in his letter to the Philippians.
The Devil Wants to be Worshiped: “I am God!”
Another essential feature in the behavior of the demon during the exorcism, is that it is particularly common to speak of “destruction and destruction.” Everything that is “good, beautiful, healthy, pure, harmonious” is covered with derision by the demon. He threatens to destroy everything. The special hatred of the demonic forces applies to the sacrament of marriage and the family. The priest tells of an exorcism in which the demon said to him: “I do not like the way the women are dressed. You must undress them even more so their sex is more prevalent and I can destroy more families!” With other exorcisms, the demon spoke in a very metaphorical way of the sex organs as “center of the world”. The devil responds with “rage,” if the marriage of a couple is blessed or the engagement of young people who want to be chaste until marriage. The devil cursed such decisions for purity and chastity as “filth” says Father Bamonte.
“I Try to Eat the Children” – Abortion and Sexual Seduction
An outstanding feature of the “personality” of the devil is his “abysmal hatred”. He “enjoys the evil in whatever form it occurs.” In one exorcism, he cried: “Take this heinous book of the Apocalypse. It is written about a woman who gives birth. I always try to eat the children. Do you know how?” Then the devil described with frightening words, the daily mass murder of thousands of unborn children who are killed by abortion in the womb. He also illustrated in all details, the heinous sexual abuse of children. He always added in his appalling statements a horrible: “How much I enjoy that!” after, says Father Bamonte. He also said that when he was talking about how young people destroy themselves through drug use or about Islamic suicide bombers who blow themselves up in the air.
The Perverts and Scoffers: “Come Unto Me, All Ye That are Funny and Perverted”

“It is shocking, how he twists everything and turns it upside down in which he turns evil into good and good into evil. When I held out to him a relic, he shouted: ‘What a stench. Which is how he sees Him. With Him, he means Jesus Christ, whose name he never pronounces out of contempt and hatred. When I showed him a rosary, he said, ‘accursed chain with the cross at the end ‘. When I sprinkled it with holy water, the possessed, the devil, protested angrily, ‘I will not be washed out by this water, that stinks and burns’. When I spoke the words over a possessed, ‘Bless Lord this brother the devil snarled immediately, ‘he shall be damned, I’ll take him to hell!’ In the words of the Gospel: all Come to me, ye that labor and have to carry heavy loads. I will give you refreshment,’ he cried, ‘no, all comes to me, you who labor and have to carry heavy loads. I will give you refreshment! ‘”
The Exorcist continued: “When I came to the words , inimìce fidei, hostis, umani generis, adducto mortis’ in the course of an exoricism, the demon gave his entire devotion to evil and for evil to be recognized: The power of sin will be our altar on which we will sacrifice the souls of your damn sons and daughters on this altar, we will shed the blood of your damn sons and daughters. There is a god for those who hate, and that god is my god. ‘”
“The Hatred of People Nourishes Me”
The devil shows his true colors during the exorcisms. He must be seen to reveal himself as he is, as the one who constantly to divide people against each other and tries to incite them. He enjoys the hatred between people and craves human malignancy, “This is food that nourishes and strengthens me,” he had replied once, said Father Bamonte.
“Many times,” says the exorcist, “I have heard the demon in perfect agreement with the Church’s teaching that evil is a free decision of a man. He also had to admit that he can not do anything against the will of man, if it opposes the grace that supports him. Therefore, he is, as he clearly explains again and again, the great tempter who wants to tempt people always anew: Our duty is to tempt, always, anyone, anywhere and under any circumstances. Some get caught up in our net, some forever! “
The Power of Prayer and the Sacred Liturgy
The Exorcism proves the immediate potency of prayer, says the exorcist of the Diocese of Rome. “The exorcism is a liturgical action and thus a prayer of the Church.
The Exorcist does nothing on his own behalf, but everything is in the name of Jesus Christ and the Church. When we see how much this rite disturbs the devil and the demons and defeats him, then we become aware of all the other liturgical actions of the Church and prayer and the grace they obtain as more powerful. That must really encourage us to pray, to make use of the Sacraments ad to visit Holy Mass.
In an exorcism, the demon had to admit, “apparently forced by God” and say, “If you people live on your knees before Him and worship Him and would sing His praise, as do the angels, we would not have all the power, which you give to us about you. “
Something about CHRIST THE KING, KING OF GLORY, PRINCE OF PEACE you do not know.
* Beyond Mile Marker 80 (book), a true story of a man on the operating table from a car wreck where his wife just died. He sees his wife with Jesus. The doctor and nurse see the same thing and travel telling of this miracle.
* In Heaven is for Real, the 4 y/o boy said that’s Him when shown a picture of The Prince of Peace painted by Akiane who saw Jesus.
* All veterans with PTSD see Jesus at http://www. operationrestoredwarrior.org. Jesus is in the KOG, in our midst Lu. 17:21 NIV
He lives in spirit the way GOD lives in spirit 1 Peter 4:6, He is Lord of the living (us) and the dead Rom. 14:9
* David Sorenson is used by GOD for miraculous healings and says religious mindsets have crept into the church for centuries. David says, “Many are looking for the return of Jesus Christ, but He is looking for people where He can dwell right here and now, with His glorious presence”. I have many examples of His presence.
2 Cor. 13:5 ESV do you not realize Christ Jesus is in you.
I’ve been healed by Jesus of issues every person would see a doctor about. * The young lady helping my wife was healed the night before a major operation and knew it was Jesus. A woman said she prayed for a sign for Jesus. I told her this information.
Anita was healed by Jesus and said He prefers Yeshua.
Howard Storm, a former atheist, cried talking about Jesus saving him from hell.
Big George Foreman (movie) woke up from a heart attack and told everyone there Jesus Christ is in me (before he believed.)
I said GOD help me stop drinking after 35 years of excess. HE did in one night before I believed.
at the end of your life HE will be there. HE THAT RAISED JESUS FROM THE DEAD DWELLS IN YOU Rom. 8:11.