A New Text Related to the Third Secret of Fatima

Monday, 18 August 2014

A New Text Related to the Third Secret of Fatima

In a recent blog post (found here), Antonio Socci, the author of The Fourth Secret of Fatima, notes the importance of a recently published official biography of Sr. Lucia from the Carmelites of Coimbra (the convent where the Portuguese nun lived and died), titled “Um caminho sob o olhar de Maria” (A Path Under the Gaze of Mary). This explosive new text contains several important writings of Sr. Lucia which were until now previously unpublished. Socci cites a portion of this text which appears to be hugely important in relation to my theory that the alleged “attachment” to the Third Secret is related to St John Paul II’s reputed address at Fulda, Germany in 1980. It concerns a vision which Sr. Lucia had which helped her to overcome her fear about whether or not she should write down the content of the Third Secret:


Towards 16:00 hours on January 3rd, 1944, in the convent’s chapel, before the Tabernacle, Lucia asked Jesus to let her know His will: ‘I then feel that a friendly hand, affectionate and maternal, touches my shoulder.’

It is ‘the Mother of Heaven’ who says to her: ‘be at peace and write what they command you to, but not that which you were given to understand about its meaning,’ intending to allude to the meaning of the vision that the Virgin herself had revealed to her.

Right after – says Sr. Lucia – ‘I felt my spirit flooded by a light-filled mystery which is God and in Him I saw and heard: the point of the flame-like lance which detaches, touches the axis of the earth and it [the earth] shakes: mountains, cities, towns and villages with their inhabitants are buried. The sea, rivers and clouds leave their bounds, they overflow, flood and drag with them into a whirlpool, houses and people in a number unable to be counted; it is the purification of the world from the sin it is immersed in. Hatred, ambition, cause detructive wars. Afterward I felt in the increased beating of my heart and in my spirit a quiet voice which said: ‘in time, one faith, one baptism, one Church, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic. Heaven in eternity!’ This word, ‘Heaven,’ filled my heart with peace and happiness, so much so that, almost without realizing it, I continued to repeat for some time: Heaven, Heaven!’

That is how she was given the strength to write the Third Secret.

(Thanks to Johnsp for the translation from Italian)
The above newly published text mentions a catastrophic earthquake, followed by the trembling of mountains, which in turn leads to a hugely destructive tsunami, followed by war – the exact sequence of events that I argue in my book Unveiling the Apocalypse is depicted in the Bible itself, concerning the fall of Babylon and the “huge mountain, burning with fire” being thrown into the sea in Rev 8:8, in relation to a potential mega-tsunami caused by the collapse of a volcano in the Canary Islands. It should be worth revisiting the contents of an earlier post on the subject of Fulda, which I will copy below:
Prior to the release of the Third Secret in the year 2000, many commentators looked to some words attributed to Pope John Paul II on Fatima in an attempt to gain some insight into its content.  The German magazine Stimme des Glaubens reported that the pope had commented on the Third Secret during a conference in Fulda, Germany in 1980. The most striking component of this report was the words: “it should be sufficient for all Christians to know this: if there is a message in which it is written that the oceans will flood whole areas of the earth, and that from one moment to the next millions of people will perish, truly the publication of such a message is no longer something to be so much desired.” The language used here, which tells a sudden and abrupt flooding of “whole areas of the earth” by the ocean – an event which will kill “millions”, can only describe the aftermath of a mega-tsunami.
The deadiest such event in recorded history was that of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, which claimed the lives of around 230,000 people after a 9.0 magnitude earthquake. In order to claim “millions” of lives, this event would have to be on a vastly larger scale, and concentrated on densely populated areas. The Indian Ocean tsunami is possibly the greatest in size that can be generated by an earthquake – anything larger can only be caused by massive landslides, such as that of Lituya Bay, Alaska in 1958, which reached a height of 524 metres (but given the confined geography of the lake the effects of this mega-tsunami was limited to a small area). It is these landslide-generated events, known as mega-tsunamis, that produce waves of such devastating heights. And mega-tsunamis with the capacity to cross oceans can only be generated by large-scale volcanic collapses.The relevant text of the Fulda conference reported in Stimme des Glaubens can be found below:

The Holy Father was asked, “What about the Third Secret of Fatima? Should it not have already been published by 1960?” 
Pope John Paul II replied: “Given the seriousness of the contents, my predecessors in the Petrine office diplomatically preferred to postpone publication so as not to encourage the world power of Communism to make certain moves.
“On the other hand, it should be sufficient for all Christians to know this: if there is a message in which it is written that the oceans will flood whole areas of the earth, and that from one moment to the next millions of people will perish, truly the publication of such a message is no longer something to be so much desired.”
The Pope continued: “Many wish to know simply from curiosity and a taste for the sensational, but they forget that knowledge also implies responsibility. They only seek the satisfaction of their curiosity, and that is dangerous if at the same time they are not disposed to do something, and if they are convinced that it is impossible to do anything against evil.”
At this point the Pope grasped a Rosary and said: “Here is the remedy against this evil. Pray, pray, and ask for nothing more. Leave everything else to the Mother of God.”
The Holy Father was then asked: “What is going to happen to the Church?”
He answered: “We must prepare ourselves to suffer great trials before long, such as will demand of us a disposition to give up even life, and a total dedication to Christ and for Christ … With your and my prayer it is possible to mitigate this tribulation, but it is no longer possible to avert it, because only thus can the Church be effectively renewed. How many times has the renewal of the Church sprung from blood! This time, too, it will not be otherwise. We must be strong and prepared, and trust in Christ and His Mother, and be very, very assiduous in praying the Rosary.”

It must be noted however that there is some dispute as to the legimacy of the Stimme des Glaubens report. Antonio Socci, the author of The Fourth Secret of Fatima, stated in issue 86 of The Fatima Crusader that the Vatican Press Office and Cardinal Ratzinger denied that this meeting took place (see here). However rather curiously, the most recent publication from sources inside the Vatican acknowledges that it did in fact take place. In his book The Last Secret of Fatima, Cardinal Bertone, the Vatican Secretary of State admits that John Paul II did in fact say these words (p48). The Fatima Network website is similarly assured that the Fulda conference did in fact take place, stating:

This report was originally published in German in the October 1981 issue of Stimme des Glaubens. It is given as a verbatim report of the meeting between His Holiness John Paul II and a select group of German Catholics at Fulda during his visit to Germany the previous November. The preface to the article states, “We know the name of the reporter and also that the document is authentic.” This translation was made by Rev. M. Crowdy for Approaches Magazine, edited by Mr. Hamish Fraser of Scotland. It was translated from the Italian magazine published in Rome by Father Francis Putti. Both magazines are worthy of our trust. (See the full text here).

Read more here.

Carberry closes MDM website “Maria Divine Mercy”


Carberry closes MDM website

21 March 2015

Four years after opening her website – TheWarningSecondComing.com – the Catholic “visionary” who took the name Maria Divine Mercy has closed shop.

On 20 March  the internet-only “visionary” permanently closed her website that began in March 2011 as the source of more than 1,200 “messages” from God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. “Visions” were backdated from November 2010 and continued to this month. She gained millions of believers, worldwide prayer groups and more than 425,000 Facebook followers.

The immediate cause of the shut down is not known, but the closure comes seven weeks after Mary Carberry, a Dublin, Ireland, resident was revealed by the Irish Mail on Sunday as the true identity of the internet seer. Security cameras caught Carberry hauling more than 300 copies of the Irish Mail to her car the morning the paper was issued.  Pictures of her carrying arm loads of papers earned her front page in the following Sunday’s edition.

Irish Mail commissioned a professional comparison analysis of Carberry’s voice recorded in January 2015 with a radio interview Maria Divine Mercy made in October 2011. Verdict: it’s the same person.  The secret “visionary” had only identified herself as a European business woman with children.

International bloggers had first revealed Carberry, a public relations consultant, as the secret seer in November 2013 posting business documents that linked Carberry to two promoters of Maria Divine Mercy merchandise. In February 2014, in the process of defending Maria Divine Mercy, Carberry’s German business partner identified Carberry as the “seer.”

In April 2014 Dublin Archbishop Diarmuid Martin formally condemned the visions of Maria Divine Mercy as inconsistent with Catholic teaching and forbid their promotion.

The Irish Mail disclosures did not prevent Carberry business partner, retired millionaire dentist Breffni Cully, from offering two MDM seminars in Poland in February and seminars in the Philippines this month.  Did Carberry keep him ‘in the loop’ of her plans to shut down her “vision” enterprise?

There is speculation that the source of  MDM’s “messages” will reveal a new identity for the seer to carry on the momentum of the profitable business venture.  Was Mary on the payroll of a wealthy benefactor as she claimed to Irish Mail on Sunday reporter Michael O’Farrell?  O’Farrell quoted Carberry saying, “I was only doing a job for someone.”


New Cardinal has read Fatima’s “Third Secret” – Says it “concerns “an extraordinary event”

By Stephen Ryan
According to EWTN the new Cardinal commented on the Third Secret of Fatima saying: “that it concerned “an extraordinary event,” a “manifestation of the supernatural.”


In another report about the Fatima secrets written by bibliotecapleyades.net, describes Father Capovilla intricate involvement with Fatima’s  “Third Secret”.They  write : “On 4/16/57, the sealed envelope (containing the Third Secret) arrived in Rome. It was placed in the office of Pope Pius XII, in a little chest bearing the note, “Secret of the Holy Office”. …(but) It appears that Pope Pius XII did not read the secret. According to Cardinal Ottaviani and Monsignor Capovilla, secretary of Pope John XXIII, the envelope was still sealed when Pope John XXIII opened it in 1959, one year after the death of Pope Pius XII.

Pope Pius XII had apparently decided to wait until 1960. He died on 10/9/58 without having read it.  According to Cardinal Ottaviani and Monsignor Capovilla, secretary of Pope John XXIII, the envelope was still sealed when Pope John XXIII opened it in 1959, one year after the death of Pope Pius XII. Pope Pius XII had apparently decided to wait until 1960. He died on 10/9/58 without having read it.

The report goes on to say:  On 8/17/59 Pope John XXIII had the envelope brought to him at Castelgandolfo, by Mosignor Philippe, then an official of the Holy Office. Pope John XXIII did not immediately open the envelope but stated:”I am waiting to read it with my confessor.”The secret was read a few days later, according to Monsignor Capovilla. Assistance in reading the Portuguese was given by Monsignor Paulo Jose Tavarez of the Secretariat of State. Later John XXIII had it read by Cardinal Ottaviani, Prefect of the Holy Office. On 2/8/60 it was suddenly learned through a simple Portuguese press agency communiqué that the 3rd secret of Fatima would not be published, and that it probably never would be disclosed. The Vatican communiqué ended:”Although the Church recognizes the Fatima apparitions, She does not desire to take the responsibility of guaranteeing the veracity of the words the three shepherd children said that the Virgin Mary had addressed to them.”


Jesus is Nailed to the Cross, According to the visions of Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerich extremely graphic

Jesus was now stretched on the cross by the execu­tioners, He had lain Himself upon it; but they pushed Him lower down into the hollow places, rudely drew His right hand to the hole for the nail in the right arm of the cross, and tied His wrist fast. One knelt on His sacred breast and held the closing hand flat; another placed the long, thick nail, which had been filed to a sharp point, upon the palm of His sacred hand, and struck furious blows with the iron ham­mer. A sweet, clear, spasmodic cry of anguish broke from the Lord’s lips, and His blood spurted out upon the arms of the executioners. The muscles and liga­ments of the hand had been torn and, by the three edged nail, driven into the narrow hole. I counted the strokes of the hammer, but my anguish made me forget their number. The Blessed Virgin sobbed in a low voice, but Magdalen was perfectly crazed.


The bore was a large piece of iron like a Latin T, and there was no wood at all about it. The large hammer also was, handle and all, of one piece of iron, and almost of the same shape as the wooden mallet we see used by a joiner when striking on a chisel.


The nails, at the sight of which Jesus shuddered, were so long that when the executioners grasped them in their fists, they projected about an inch at either end. The head consisted of a little plate with a knob, and it covered as much of the palm of the hand as a crown-piece would do. They were three edged, thick near the head as a moderate sized thumb, then tapered to the thickness of a little finger, and lastly were filed to a point. When hammered in, the point could be seen projecting a little on the oppo­site side of the cross.


After nailing Our Lord’s right hand, the crucifiers found that His left, which also was fastened to the crosspiece, did not reach to the hole made for the nail, for they had bored a good two inches from the fingertips. They consequently unbound Jesus’ arm from the cross, wound cords around it and, with their feet supported firmly against the cross, pulled it forward until the hand reached the hole. Now, kneeling on the arm and breast of the Lord, they fastened the arm again on the beam, and hammered the second nail through the left hand. The blood spurted up and Jesus’ sweet, clear cry of agony sounded above the strokes of the heavy hammer. Both arms had been torn from their sockets, the shoulders were distended and hollow, and at the elbows one could see the disjointed bones. Jesus’ breast heaved, and His legs were drawn up doubled to His body. His arms were stretched out in so straight a line that they no longer covered the obliquely rising crosspieces. One could see through the space thus made between them and His armpits.


The Blessed Virgin endured all this torture with Jesus. She was pale as a corpse, and low moans of agony sounded from her lips. The Pharisees were mocking and jesting at the side of the low wall by which she was standing, therefore John led her to the other holy women at a still greater distance from the circle. Magdalen was like one out of her mind. She tore her face with her fingernails, till her eyes and cheeks were covered with blood.


About a third of its height from below, there was fixed to the cross by an immense spike a projecting block to which Jesus’ feet were to be nailed, so that He should be rather standing than hanging; other­wise His hands would have been torn, and His feet could not have been nailed without breaking the bones. A hole for the nail had been bored in the block, and a little hollow place was made for His heels. Similar cavities had been made all down the trunk of the cross, in order to prolong His sufferings, for without them the hands would have been torn open and the body would have fallen violently by its own weight.


                                                The Nailing of Jesus’ Feet


The whole body of our Blessed Redeemer had been contracted by the violent stretching of the arms to the holes for the nails, and His knees were forcibly drawn up. The executioners now fell furiously upon them and, winding ropes around them, fastened them down to the cross; but on account of the mistake made in the holes in the crosspiece, the sacred feet of Jesus did not reach even to the block. When the executioners saw this, they gave vent to curses and insults. Some thought they would have to bore new holes in the transverse arm, for that would be far less difficult than moving the foot block. Others with horrible scoffing cried out: “He will not stretch Him­self out, but we will help Him!” Then they tied ropes around the right leg and, with horrible violence and terrible torture to Jesus, pulled the foot down to the block, and tied the leg fast with cords. Jesus’ body was thus most horribly distended. His chest gave way with a cracking sound, and He moaned aloud: “O God! O God!” They had tied down His arms and His breast also that His hands might not be torn away from the nails. The abdomen was entirely dis­placed, and it seemed as if the ribs broke away from the breastbone. The suffering was horrible.

With similar violence the left foot was drawn and fastened tightly with cords over the right; and because it did not rest firmly enough over the right one for nailing, the instep was bored with a fine, flathead piercer, much finer than the one used for the hands. It was like an auger with a puncher attached. Then seizing the most frightful-looking nail of all, which was much longer than the others, they drove it with great effort through the wounded instep of the left foot and that of the right foot resting below. With a cracking sound, it passed through Jesus’ feet into the hole prepared for it in the foot block, and through that again back into the trunk of the cross. I have seen, when standing at the side of the cross, one nail passing through both feet. The nailing of the feet was the most horrible of all, on account of the distension of the whole body. I counted thirty-six strokes of the hammer amid the poor Redeemer’s moans, which sounded to me so sweet, so pure, so clear.


The Blessed Virgin had returned to the place of execution. At the sound of the tearing and cracking and moaning that accompanied the nailing of the feet, in her most holy compassion she became like one dying, and the holy women, supporting her in their arms, led her again from the circle just as the jeering Pharisees were drawing nearer. During the nailing and the raising of the cross which followed, there arose here and there, especially among the women, such cries of compassion as: “Oh, that the earth would swallow those wretches! Oh, that fire from Heaven would consume them!” But these ex­pressions of love were answered with scorn and insult by Jesus’ enemies.


Jesus’ moans were purely cries of pain. Mingled with them were uninterrupted prayers, passages from the Psalms and Prophecies, whose predictions He was now fulfilling. During the whole time of His bitter Passion and until the moment of death, He was engaged in this kind of prayer, and in the unin­terrupted fulfillment of the Prophecies. I heard all the passages He made use of and repeated them with Him, and when I say the Psalms, I always remem­ber the verses that Jesus used. But now I am so crushed by the tortures of my Heavenly Bridegroom that I cannot recall them, I saw weeping angels hov­ering over Jesus during this terrible torture.


The above is taken from:
The Life of Jesus Christ and Biblical Revelations,
From the Visions of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich
Volume 4, Chapter 46.

Sky to turn BLOOD RED across WORLD this Easter

Did the BIBLE predict the next 72 hours? Sky to turn BLOOD RED across WORLD this Easter

THE SKY will turn a deep blood red across the planet this Easter as a rare celestial event ‘foretold in the Bible’ unfolds.

Blood Moon BibleAP

The Blood moon phenomenon was predicted in the Bible

On Saturday evening – just as Passover draws to a close – an eery blood colour will engulf the moon.

It is the third of four successive total ‘blood-red’ lunar eclipses, each followed by six full moons – an extremely rare ‘Tetrad’.

Experts are predicting that the moon will be fully-obscured for five full minutes – and that the rare phenomenon will be visible across North America, Asia and Australia.

According to NASA the incredible alignment has only happened a handful of times in the last two thousand years.

The King James Bible predicts: “The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD comes,” [Joel 2:31].

Blood Red Moon Passover AmericaAP

The Blood Moon will be visible across North America

John Hagee, an American pastor, claims the strange timing of the event – between the anniversary of Jesus’s death on Good Friday and His resurrection on Easter Sunday – proves a religiously significant global event is about to unfold.He said: “There’s a sense in the world that things are changing and God is trying to communicate with us in a supernatural way.

“I believe we’re going to see something dramatic happen in the Middle East involving Israel that will change the course of history in the Middle East and impact the whole world.”

Blood Moon Hagee


Pack of Stray Dogs Stand Guard at Animal Lover’s Funeral



Pack of Stray Dogs Stand Guard at Animal Lover’s Funeral

Good Morning America

Pack of Stray Dogs Stand Guard at Animal Lover's Funeral

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Pack of Stray Dogs Stand Guard at Animal Lover’s Funeral (ABC News)

A woman who spent her life caring for stray dogs received an unexpected — and surprising — tribute from the animals when she died.

At the funeral for Margarita Suárez in Cuernavaca Morelos, Mexico, there was a pack of stray dogs who came inside the funeral home to stand guard.

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Joey the ‘Extremely Nimble’ Two-Legged Dog Gets Forever Home

Suárez’s daughter Patricia Urrutia told ABC News that they were shocked, but delighted by the appearance of the canine celebrants.

Adding to the other-worldliness of the situation was the fact that these stray dogs were not even the same ones that her 71-year-old mother had helped during her lifetime. Suárez lived in Merida Yucatan, but her funeral service was in a town more than 830 miles away, her daughter said.

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Patricia Urrutia

Jesus figure spotted in spectacular northern lights display leaves spectators stunned


Jesus figure spotted in spectacular northern lights display leaves spectators stunned

 Christ spotted in Northern Lights show
Figure: Is this light formation the figure of Christ?

This is the heavenly moment the figure of Christ was spotted during a spectacular northern lights display.

Seen high in the sky, the shape of the aurora has an uncanny resemblance to that of Christ the Redeemer.

Statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary Closes Her Eyes

The following information is based on Porphyrygrampus’ personal research. This is a video of the Addolorata, Our Lady of Sorrows, who has the end chapel on the right in Santa Maria Maggiore, Ispica SE Sicily. The video was taken by handicapped 24yr old Domenico Di Martino during the annual Procession of Our Lady of Sorrows on Sunday of September 18, 1994, with his new TV video camera. Several other parishioners noticed the statue closing eyes during the procession. He was amazed by what he saw, showed it to the parish priest & finally there was a broadcast on Sicilian TV about it (this is an extract) & an article in the daily La Sicilia. Antonino cd be the autistic Mexican boy reported to have heard the Virgin speak to him saying she was closing her eyes so as not to see the sins of this world. The broadcast spoke about him, saying he had improved enormously.

Thank you Porphyrygrampus for the information and photos regarding the Addolorata of Santa Maria Maggiore.

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