The TRUE EXCALIBUR ‘SWORD in the STONE’ is of Saint GALGANO in Italy Video 14 minutes

Published on Dec 21, 2014

Galgano was a young Knight, a sinner who became a Saint after his visions of Archangel Michael and later Our Lord Jesus Christ, Our Holy Mother the Theotokos, and the 12 Disciples of Christ.
The Lord had sent the Archangel Michael to first speak with Galgano and teach him to live a life of repentence and Faith.
Galgano was very reluctant but at the end, with the Miracle of “THE SWORD IN THE STONE” Galgano became a hermit, consecrated his life to Prayer, Faith, Chastity and Charity, and Love. he died at the age of 33 and was buried at Monte Siepi where he had the vision of The Lord and the 12 Disciples. That is the location of the Abbey of Monte Siepi where the SWORD INTHE STONE is still to be found to date. The SWORD HAS NOT BEEN REMOVED since Saint Galgano had miraculously sliced it into the stone before he became a Hermit- Monk. He died in 1181 and his Feast day is November 30th. He was Canonized in 1185, 4 years after his death. His Abbey and the Sword in the Stone is a place of Pilgrimage and prayer where Saint Galgano has helped many with his intercessions and God with Miracles. Saint Galgano (1148 – December 3, 1181 is a Catholic saint from Tuscany. He was born in Chiusdino, in the modern province of Siena, Italy.
1) Galgano Guidotti, Wikipedia…
2) Images Saint Michael Archangel, Wikimedia Commons,…
3) Images Wikimedia Commons, San Galgano
and Sword in the Stone. Public Domain…
4) Beyond the – “Guess who took the Roof off San Galgano – The Diabolical Englishman was at it again!”…
5) Thumbnail Image: San Galgano Sword in the Stone, Wikipedia, Public Domain.…
6) Music: Youtube Audio Library
a) “Messiah” by Handel
b) “Angelic Happiness” by Jingle Punks…

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